(PAST EVENT) Free Weekly Summer Chess Nights!
Our first-ever FREE Summer Chess Nights are here. Yay!!! We are very excited to unveil our Summer Chess Nights series.
BACKGROUND: This past few months, our founders have helped a lot of scholastic players with casual games, and game analysis, especially to prepare for the big tournaments like OSCF State Team Championship and our own Spring Chess Festival. More than 50 kids took advantage of these FREE game analysis sessions over 8 Zoom sessions. Most of them performed fantastically and a number of them were on the championship teams at OSCF Team tournaments back in April! Based on the success of those sessions, Puddletown will continue to offer similar format opportunities for other young chess enthusiasts throughout summer.
Our founders and other volunteers, who are very accomplished scholastic players in Oregon will be conducting Game Analysis and providing feedback at each of these sessions:
- Vimal Adiraju, 2023 OSCF State Championship High School Silver #2
- Aditya Chandrasekaran, 2023 OSCF Team State Championship High School Team #2
- Neev Kodarapu, 2023 OSCF State Championship Middle School Platinum #7 (USCF rating: 1395)
- Ishaan Kodarapu, 2023 OSCF State Championship middle School Platinum #2 (USCF Expert Player)
NOTE: Limited availability for the first 16 registrants only each week.
Each session will have the following:
- Casual games (on chess.com) with other players: Most kids get to play between 3-4 games during a typical session
- Game analysis with advanced players (including Puddletown founders from time-to-time): The kids are encouraged to come prepared with games they want to get analyzed or they can get the games from casual games analyzed as well.
- Homework help: This is exclusively for Puddletown training students. Puddletown offers homework each week. Part of the homework is intentionally challenging, so if the students need any help or have questions, this is the perfect time to seek that help!
Here is the current tentative schedule for 2023 summer:

NOTE: We will have multiple Zoom playing rooms available so you can play games online with other players while waiting for your games to be analyzed.
Registration at: https://bit.ly/2023summerchessnights