We recently finished another successful training term at Puddletown (8 AMAZING terms in 2 years so far!).
So we decided to throw our first-ever summer training party, to celebrate with our students. But it was also about the coaches bonding with their students in-person. You see – our training program is on zoom, we bond very well virtually there, but we wanted to end the summer with a bang by meeting in person! We decided to do this event at Godfather’s Pizza where Puddletown’s awesome journey began. Remember our first-ever tournament was held at the same venue nearly 2 years ago? So it was a very fitting venue 🙂
We had around 40 students and coaches at the event. Everyone got new blue Puddletown t-shirts and unlimited pizza. Ishaan and Zoey kicked off the event by sharing a few words about how our training program is unique. We took many photos to remember the event.
Here is what Ishaan shared:
- We really took reinforced chess learning to the next level
- We gave homework at the end of each class
- A coach then provided detailed feedback and grading once you submit your homework
- We offered office hours on Thursdays – that some kids took advantage of
- And then finally at the beginning of next session, our coaches reviewed the homework again
- We saw very good progress for those who joined more classes, did the homework, and got their games analyzed at tournaments.
All of our students got a chance to play with our coaches via 1:1 games and bughouse. They also got a chance to talk to their coach and other coaches in the program.
If you would like to be a part of this amazing community, then make sure that you check out our Fall training program. You are welcome to try 1-2 sessions, and if the program is not a fit for the student, we will REFUND the entire fee back!
You can always checkout our current/upcoming training program details: https://puddletownchess.org/training/